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I am 28 years old. I am a photographer. I am a traveler. I love steak.

I am a surfer. I have a masters degree in photography. I think I am a good cook. I am Belgian. But most of all, I am Jonathan. 


While traveling the world with my girlfriend and our dog in our van,

I try to capture the beautiful world on picture and video. In order to keep on traveling, I keep an eye out for photography and video work along the way. Are you interested in a collaboration? Do you think I am the right guy to capture your project? Or do you just wan’t to grab a beer or paddle out together? Send me a piggeon, a message, an email, hit me up on facebook or call me. 

I’ld love to get in touch!

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Thank's for your message! I will get in touvh with you as soon as possible

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